My typical work week as a Test engineer in the Anybus Embedded team at HMS


Monday 08.30 – Daily meeting

The whole Scrum team gather in front of the electronic Scrum board. After some initial chit-chat about the weekend activities we move along, setting up the daily activities and other close cooperation regarding the current project.

Monday 10.12 – Support call from customer

A newly developed feature is causing some questions at the customer site. After a video call with customer we find a workaround and then we file an issue to address later, then I continue working on the test script for the latest feature.

Tuesday 08.30 – Daily meeting

Same procedure as usual, but today our product owner has got a feature change request that he would like the team to support him in discussion with the customer during the day. The team assign one person to attend the meeting, this time it falls on me to attend.


Tuesday 09.00 – Investigate Jenkins workflow failure

由于测试框架的一些升级,我们对需要修复的一些每周建筑物的意外故障。一些测试人员和平台团队为解决这个问题进行合资企业。顺便说一下,我们得到了最酷的詹金斯机器公园 - 在黑暗中发光......

Tuesday 11.00 – Backlog refinement


Tuesday 13.00 – Meeting with external customer

The project team and project manager are attending the video meeting, a relevant feature change is discussed in relations to impact and priority. After the meeting I continue with the latest fantastic test script I am working on.


Tuesday 14.00 – Manual pre-conformance or robustness testing

To ensure conformity we need to run some manual testing with specific network equipment such as PLC and other reference equipment. This manual but important work ensure proper interoperability and prevents problem at our customer sites. It also preventing the customer from failing their conformance testing .

Wednesday 09.00 – Review meeting

The Scrum team gathers and review the sprint for all stakeholders. A demo is held in the end of the meeting and generates a lot of questions from the stakeholders.

Wednesday 11.00 – Retrospective meeting

Our 3-week sprint is up, and the team gathers for inspecting it thoroughly. We try to learn from every closed sprint, what we did well and what we could improve for next sprint. Are we interacting in the best way with our technical writers? If we add one additional Jenkins set-up, could we gain band width for desired additional development testing? Everything that makes the work more efficient and fun is investigated and sets us in better position for our next sprint.


星期四09.40 - Team Digital Fika

现在我们有一个数字fika亚柯mpanying gaming of e.g. CATAN. After some gaming I return to the current script development work.

周四10.00 - 关于测试框架的讨论

The continuous development and maintenance on our test framework and Jenkins machine park, this often requires interaction with other test engineers from other teams.

星期四14.00 - 冲刺规划

A new sprint with several new untouched features and some unfinished tasks is then chosen and placed on the electronic Scrum board. After some discussion about availability of the team members during the sprint the scope is fixed and the sprint is started - Hey, here we go!


Friday 09.40 – HMS Inspire seminar

A recurring event is a seminar or speech on various topics, usually held during the common coffee break on Fridays.

星期五10.10 - 联合调试会议



Friday 14.00 – Personal development time

We set aside some time for personal educational purpose and find a calm spot for reading some interesting book or trying out some new Python code library.

